Thursday, December 1, 2011


i feel that if paladins are going to be crazy hard to kill and at 70+pt then they should be at least 30% bigger

Monday, May 30, 2011

an ultramarine

One finished pre-heresy ultramarine

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lugft Huron

painted the FW huron model with a mixture of worn down dark iron with a deep blue and turquoise. The face i'm not sure if its worked out or not, but ive tried to render it as if his got lights beneath his face from inside his armour, similar to how Horus' face is lit in the GW renderings from the Heresy.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Desent of Angels

I bought some sanguinary guard when they came out and converted them to be Sternguard lead by Tycho. I got sick of that so i butchered them into becoming nurgle sanguinary guard. The idea is based Bolter and Chainswords Dornian Heresy where the blood angels fell to nurgle rather than the death guard.