Friday, October 29, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Been working on the FW marines, they take a day and age to clean up, even then you miss most of it until you prime it. They're going to form the bulk of my Ultramarine's 1st company.
I've mixed and matched the armour types as it started off as a Pre-Heresy army but then i quickly realised how horrible the marine tanks looked during the heresy and stopped. So because they're first company i've kept most of the trimmings white/silver with just a touch of gold here and there. All three marines with more coming were based with a 1:1 mix of Ultramarine blue and Space Wolves grey, then wet blended up until it was burn Space Wolves grey with a dry brush. When carefully washed with a thin layer of the blue wash before the weathering and detailing was done.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I had intended to illustrate a logo for this blog of a giant Rainbow coloured Unicron (thats unicRon not unicoRn) peeing a rainbow out but now i'm not so sure. maybe i want unicorns peeing shit out



I wrote up a list with Tycho leading my small Blood Angels strike force. The old model just seemed too short for a captain so i built my own.

The 4 other marines i'm not sure what they'll be. Either Sternguard or Tychos Honour guard.
Tychos backpack is old school i dont think they make them anymore.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

space wolf termiantor no.2

5 of these guys came in the box and i based coated them all. It seemed reasonable to finish all of them while i remembered how i painted them. He'll be armed with power weapon and stormbolter.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

shading the space wolf

I cant be sure since i started the model so long ago, but i think i shaded and toned the wolf guard with a blend of grephonne sepia, devlan mud, and asurman blue or leviathan purple. I'll do a few tests this weekend and try and remember. But space wolves grey/shadow grey are hard to tone given their muted nature and divergence away from a primary colour.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wolf Guard in Tactical Dreadnaught Armour with Assault Cannon and Powerfist

Finished. I made the blending for the grey too subtle. It shows up when you look carefully but in photos and on table top it doesn't come up. Probably in future go with a harsher light/mid/shadow tones to make it come out stronger. Only the base left to do now.

this guy comes in at 73pt

Wolf Guard 18pt
Terminator armor 15pt
Assault Cannon 30pt
Power fist 10pt

Saturday, March 13, 2010

yellow yellow yellow

Yellow is no fun to paint.

Pedro - salvaged Pedro from a horrific experience with a matt varnish. The spray came out and it congealed in the air before it hit Pedro. The end result looked as though I'd gone ahead and sprayed him with fake snow. I cleaned it up as best as i could but now his a pale comparison to what he was as all the yellow shading just got flattened.

Imperial fist vindicator. Haven't finished all the weathering on it yet so it still looks a little clean and flat.

space wolf terminator

Wolf Guard terminator I'm entering into a comp next week
Body - shadow grey - shadow grey/space wolf grey 5:1 - shadow grey/space wolf grey 3:1 - shadow grey/space wolf grey 1:1
High lights - shadow grey/space wolf grey 1:2
Metals - boltgun - chainmail - devlan mud - mithril
Tabard - Red Gore - red gore/fiery orange - devlan mud/asurmen blue
Chips - space wolf grey
rust - Gryphone Sepia & bestial brown

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

True scale Death Guard and Zaku marine

Pre-Heresy Dreadnought

Not sure what legion its going to be, waiting to see what happens with the new BA dex. For now it could swing between Ultramarines and Blood Angels. He stands a good 1/3 taller than a normal dreadnought, theres a standard marine next to him and my still wip of a true scale Cato Sicarrus

Kits used for the dreadnought:
Sentinal - legs
Venerable Dreadnought - legs/body/shoulder
Ironclad Dreadnought - legs/body/shoulder/arm
Leman Russ Punisher - assault cannon
Chaos Defiler - shoulder pads